Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Foundation of Marketing(Consumer and Business Buyer Behaviour) Essay

Foundation of Marketing(Consumer and Business Buyer Behaviour) - Essay Example The third process is complexity which refers to the level of difficulty attached to the understanding and â€Å"use† of the product (Armstrong and Kotler 2011,p. 184). Divisibility which is the fourth process, arises when the product â€Å"can be tried on a limited basis† (Armstrong and Kotler 2011, p. 184). The final process is communicability which refers to the extent to which the results of using a product can be observed and shared with others (Armstrong and Kotler, 2011). Part II: Comments on Mike’s Letter Mike’s letter explaining why and how he decided on a business degree course highlights some of the stages that consumers go through prior to making a purchase. Mike manifested the relative advantage factor, which is the first characteristic influencing consumer purchase decision-making. Mike’s inquiries and searches demonstrate that he was comparing business degrees for relative superiority. The second characteristic, compatibility was very important to Mike. Mike was looking for a product that accommodated his own time table and his commitments to his family and at the same time left him with some free time.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Industrialization After the Civil War Thesis and Outline Research Paper

Industrialization After the Civil War Thesis and Outline - Research Paper Example 201). There was also an impact in machine tools. On the other hand, due to the machine tools impact many people lost their jobs, because of the growing number of qualified engineers needed and the growing number of immigrants who were unqualified workers (U.S. Bureau of the Census, pp. 19-20). What is more, even though oil was already known to public, the first modern oil well was set up in 1859 by Edwin Drake (Vassiliou, p. 13). Invention of the steam engine made transitions by water easier and cheaper. There were many other great changes in industry and technology during mentioned period. However, many laborers in that time were displaced by machines and level of unemployment grown highly (Wells, p. 189). What is more, working on factory was dirty, dangerous and exhausting. Many employees moved to cities and came to work on factories, thus urbanization level grown. Although, labor productivity grown owing to increasing number of system was built in 1890. Although Thomas Edison did not create the first electrical light bulb, it is his patent, which lead to lighting people’s houses in 1883 (Thomas Edison: Life of an Electrifying Man, p.15). Started in 1870s African American lost some of their rights and been harassed. It has led to a politics of racial segregation. Woman were granted full righting votes in some states by the end of 19th century. Entrepreneurs started to use child labor because they are small and could get to smaller holes than adults could. Extended families became more common than nuclear ones. To make a balance, I would like to say that Industrialization occurred after the Civil War had a great influence on American industry, technology and society. It had its pros and contras, however I consider that pros outweigh